
#46 Christmas Magic

#45 the beast

#44 Candy

#43 Tiger, tiger

#42 Jamz

#41 Magical w/ #hashtag

#40 Autumns End

#39 Breathless

#38 Poolside

#37 the weekend w/ #hastag

#36 night out w/ #hashtag

#35 Princess

#34 Chained

#33 Rope Tricks w/ the Beautiful Ones

#32 Charisma's Designs @ #Hashtag

#31 Seasons Change @ #HashTag Event

#29 In Love w/ CH Poses

#30 Bare w/ A&D Poses

#28 working out w/ SySCa

#27 Darkness Event w/ JR Wolf Creation

#26 Train Ride w/ Amui

#25 Darkness Event w/ Marquesse

#24 Batista Getaway Resort w/ Flair 'n' Style

#23 Packing for vacation

#22 Newest VWE Bombshell

#21 Close w/ Pixation Poses & Billionaire motors Freebie!

#20 at the theater

#!19 Ready to ride

#19 Womanstuff Hunt w/ Marquesse

#18 Daydreaming

#17 Suprise w/ Flair n Style

#16 me time w/ The Style Loft

#15 Paris w/ Amui

#14 Sister for Sale w/ Pixation Poses

#13 Rainy Days w/ CH Poses