#233 A Peaceful Place

~Featuring Original Mesh by: The Simple Things~

March 2023 Arcade - The breathing room 

Arcade LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Arcade/78/131/32

1. Simple Things TBR Spa House RARE

2. Simple Things TBR Bath RARE

3. Simple Things TBR {A}Massage Table RARE

4. Simple Things TBR {PG} Massage Table RARE

5. Simple Things TBR Parasol

6. Simple Things TBR Massage Stones Warmer

7. Simple Things TBR Humidifier Diffuser

8. Simple Things TBR Meditation Cushions

9. Simple Things TBR Shoe and Slipper Racks

10. Simple Things TBR Welcome and Bathroom mats

11. Simple Things TBR Namaste Sign

12. Simple Things TBR Massage Essentials Shelf

13. Simple Things TBR Bath Essentials Shelf

14. Simple Things TBR Shelf Fillers Set 1

15. Simple Things TBR Shelf Fillers Set 2

16. Simple Things TBR Towel Bench

17. Simple Things TBR Candles

18. Simple Things TBR Incense Burners

19. Simple Things TBR Breathe Rest Renew

20. Simple Things TBR Wall Lights

21. Simple Things TBR Yoga Mats
