#93 A Sea Dream

Scene Details:
TM Creations ~ "Sea Dream" Raft with decors Couple & Single anims. S37
Exclusive for Tres Chic Event (Open 17th March, 12pm SLT  to 10th April, 2019)
10% Discount
Tres Chic: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nika/173/118/22
Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 11th April, 2019
TM Creations: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tm%20Paraiso1/90/128/23
100% ORIGINAL MESH - Available in PG or Adult version - Permission COPY/MOD/NO TRANSF:
Wooden rustic Raft with blanket, pillow and decors
Land impact: 18 - Approximate sizes: meters 3.4 wide x 4.5 deep.
Decors: ~Tray Drink with Decors - Land impact: 3
Materials enabled
